Tamika Wood’s Birthday Party

& Other Stories by Le Kendall

Tamika Wood’s Birthday Party is a queer romance and family drama webnovel/podcast about neurodivergence, mental health, being queer, love and families. You can read it with your eyes, or your ears, or both.

Thank you to “early access” readers who read an earlier version of this story. Your feedback has helped me in rewrites and I’ll release the “official” version… “soon” (time is fake).

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  • Don’t Worry… I’m still here!

    WELP it’s been… a while (time is fake).

    I’m still here, I’m still working on Tamika Wood’s Birthday Party, I have not stopped working on Tamika Wood’s Birthday Party. It has not been ADHDed in favour of a shiny new hobby, even! It’s just that, well, it keeps getting better, and then I learn more and I know how to make it even better… The thing about being new to writing is that I’m still leveling up pretty rapidly.

    However! I now promise that Tamika Wood’s Birthday Party: Disc One is nearly ready, and Track One I am super happy with, so I’m planning to put that up as a teaser-type-thing while I finish editing the rest of it. This will be “soon” (time is fake). Hopefully next month.

    For ‘Early Access’ listeners there is a lot of new material, although the story remains unchanged. I have slightly adjusted the timeline and location and it now begins in 1999 instead of 1998. I expect that approximately zero people would have noticed that, had I not mentioned it.

    I plan to upload and schedule all of Disc One at once, so the rest of the season won’t go live until it’s all ready to go. I absolutely intend to get this happening before the end of the year. I know I said it would go up in, like, February but this time it’s for real. Hopefully.

    Tamika Wood’s Birthday Party will be again be a three-season podcast/webnovel. The other stories are also being rewritten, and I don’t have a timeline right now for anything but the first three-part story.

    Rewrites on Disc Two are also going well. I’ve got the bones of it there, it needs a little fleshing out. I expect that this will come out some time in 2025.

    Disc Three is still in pieces. They’re good pieces.

    I’m going to try and keep you updated more regularly, that’s it for now!